





在伯明翰南方学院,英语不仅仅是一门专业. 这是一条引导学生走向他们一生的激情之路.

Study the great writers, analyze 和 underst和 their works, 和 hone your own writing.

You’ll go on an adventure of the imagination—和 master the critical thinking 和 communication skills sought by employers today.

感兴趣? Fill out the form to the right 和 an admissions representative will follow up with you to start your Hilltop journey.




  • 获得动手写作经验. 向Baghera(学生报纸)投稿, 《365英国上市官网》(文学杂志), 或Compass(领导力研究期刊). Our writing minor 和 workshop classes allow you to focus on different specialties, 包括小说, 诗歌, 散文, 创造性的非小说, 和新闻, 还有媒体实习.
  • 通过我们提供的创造性课程,找到看待世界的新方法. “怪物, 君主, 《365英国上市官网》,《365英国上市官网》,” 和 “From Suffrage to Cyborgs: Twentieth Century Feminism 和 the Novel” are just a few examples.
  • 创意. English majors have organized an underground 诗歌 society that hosts 诗歌 slams—equal parts readings 和 performance art. They also tutor in neighborhood schools to inspire young students to love 诗歌 和 literature.
  • 去你读过的地方看看. 英语教师带领学生去爱尔兰, where they read 爱尔兰 literature 和 see William Butler Yeats’ house; to Oxford, 小姐., the hometown of William Faulkner 和 the setting of his novels; 和 to Italy, where they explore the great art 和 literature of classical 和 Renaissance Europe.


    The courses offered by the English faculty serve a twofold purpose: to teach students to formulate 和 articulate their thoughts clearly 和 effectively in both our spoken 和 written language, 和 to help students develop a critical underst和ing of work by writers of American, 英国, 世界文学.

    在我们的基础课程之后, 英美文学调查和我们的“入门”课程, 英语专业的学生接触文学作品有五种不同的方式:

    • 宽度. 我们提供强调文学研究广度的课程. 课程包括 讽刺  20世纪英美诗歌 emphasize thematic, generic, or stylistic unity among otherwise disparate works of literature.
    • 深度. Other courses emphasize a depth of study, usually by focusing on individual authors, 如 莎士比亚 or 海明威, but also with courses focusing on a collection of authors within a single literary movement, 如 浪漫散文与诗歌  美国文艺复兴时期的文学.
    • 区别. Recognizing that the study of literature allows one to view the world from various perspectives, 我们提供强调不同时期文学的课程, 的地方, 或文化. 这些课程从散文开始, 诗歌, 从中世纪的戏剧到20世纪60年代以来的美国印第安文学.
    • 当代. 我们学习当代文学是因为,像T. S. 艾略特, we believe that just as current works are a response to those written in the past, 我们对旧作品的反应被现在的作品所改变. 课程包括 当代国际小说 很好地服务于这个功能.
    • 理论. 学习英语课程的学生很快就会知道,它不仅重要 什么 我们阅读但是 如何 我们读. 我们提供的课程有 性能理论  后现代主义 to help students better underst和 their own habits as readers 和 to broaden their critical arsenal. Students are introduced to thinkers who have historically shaped our modes of interpretation, 从亚里士多德到斯坦利·费什.

    带着我们的毕业证书, English majors draw together all they've learned—represented in a single paper.


    • 分析文学文本的形式、结构和体裁;
    • 形成一篇论文,并以连贯统一的文章结构支持它。
    • 根据文本和上下文证据提出合理的论点,
    • 运用和整合学术材料;
    • 用清晰、自信的声音写散文.

    奖 & 奖学金


    This award honors the senior English major whose study of literature s如何s unusual 行业, 成就, 和理解的深度. A book is presented to the recipient of this award on Honors Day at the Humanities Division 奖 Ceremony.

    里奇堡G. 麦克威廉姆斯英语奖

    This award is named for a former member of the English faculty who served from 1929 until 1971, 这些年来谁是系主任, 她拥有玛丽·科利特·芒格英语教授的头衔. Mr. 麦克威廉姆斯是一位365英国上市官网,也是一位卓有成效的教师, 和 he had a particular interest in the literature 和 history of French exploration along the Gulf Coast. The award honors the senior English major whose literary study has s如何n unusual personal engagement, 行业, 智力增长. A book is presented to the recipient of this award on Honors Day at the Humanities Division 奖 Ceremony.

    Patricia Finley 沃特金斯写作奖学金

    The Patricia Finley 沃特金斯 Scholarship was established in 1984 through the generosity of 夫人. 沃特金斯. Preference in awarding the scholarship is given to rising juniors or seniors who are majoring in English 和 who have evidenced a strong desire 和 talent to become writers. 该奖学金的获得者由英语教师推荐. 夫人. 沃特金斯 was an artist 和 writer who was long active in the cultural life of Birmingham 和 in literary activities at Birmingham-南部 College. 她的诗集, 另一个世界, was published in 1982, 和 her works have appeared in other literary publications.

    英语系每年春天都会为这项奖学金举办竞赛. 目前的受助人可以重新申请. 今年,作品集的截止日期是4月6日星期五. Portfolios must be in the h和s of the Humanities Division Secretary in Phillips Science 101 by 4:00 that day. 投资组合的要求如下.

    • All manuscripts must be typed 和 double-spaced in a st和ard 12-point typeface.
    • 作品集必须包含不超过2个故事(最多20页), 10首诗(最多20页), 还有20页的非虚构散文.
    • The portfolio should be arranged in a particular order 和 accompanied by a cover letter (single-spaced) that (1) discusses the applicant's growth as a writer 和 future plans in the profession 和 (2) discusses the individual works in the portfolio 和 their arrangement.
    • The applicant's name must not appear on any of the manuscripts, only on the cover letter.
    • 作品集和求职信必须提交一式两份, 每份副本使用单独的信封.

    The winner(s) will be announced on Honors Day at the Humanities Division 奖 Ceremony. 最近的奖金是1000-2000美元. 获奖者还将获得一本夫人. 沃特金斯的书和一本 芝加哥风格手册.






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    泰恩斯·考恩专门研究19世纪美国文学, 尤其是关于奴隶制和抗议的文学作品. He contributes to the Distinction program in 领导 Studies 和 the minor in Human Rights 和 Conflict Studies. 兴趣包括20世纪60年代,流行文化和民间传说.

    度:B.A. (1985) Birmingham-南部 College; M.A.Ed (1990) University of Alabama at Birmingham; M.A. (1992) Northeastern University; Ph.D. (2001)威廉玛丽学院.

    Arnab ChakrabortyArnab_photo-1.jpg

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    Arnab得了B.A. 和一个M.A. 在印度加尔各答的贾达夫普尔大学学习英语. 他正在攻读博士学位.D. 在堪萨斯大学英语系任教. 他的论文 贫穷的机构:后人类世界的伦理与妥协 investigates the ethics of representing human 和 nonhuman animal agency in 20th 和 21st century American 和 transatlantic fiction. His research connects animal studies, posthumanism, ecocriticism 和 postcolonial theory.


    Michael L. Mclnturff Michael L. Mclnturff

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    Michael L. 麦克恩特夫专门研究英国和意大利文艺复兴时期的文学. He regularly teaches 莎士比亚 和 travels with students to Italy during E-term. 兴趣爱好包括但丁、古典神话和美酒.

    度:B.A. (1968) Reed College; Ph.D. (1975)印第安纳大学. 

    桑德拉·L. Sprayberry 桑德拉·L. Sprayberry

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    桑德拉·L. Sprayberry拥有诗歌写作和20世纪诗歌学位. 她是一位出版过作品的诗人和365英国上市官网. B. Yeats was published as part of Macmillan of London's 和 the University of Iowa Press's multi-volume critical edition of original Yeats manuscripts; the work has been reviewed in The New York Review of Books, 在其他出版物中. Her teaching 和 research interests include 20th-century 和 contemporary 诗歌, 创意写作, 印第安人, 爱尔兰, 和非裔美国人文学, 国际人权, 到爱尔兰和南非旅游学习. 她负责协调理学士的辅修课程人权和冲突研究. 她的办公室里有学术界最大的非官方猫王神殿之一.

    度:B.A. (1979), M.F.A. (1983), University of Alabama; Ph.D. (1988)佛罗里达州立大学.

    约瑟夫施迪 约瑟夫施迪

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    Jody Stitt teaches courses in expository writing, research methods, 和 创意写作. 他的e学期课程有弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯,J. R. R. 托尔金,俄国文学,反乌托邦,幽默理论,和天启.

    度:B.A. (1993) M.A. (1995)阿拉巴马大学.


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    安娜·威廉姆斯 specializes in Gothic literature from the eighteenth century to the present. She produced the first-ever podcast dissertation 和 enjoys bringing new media into the classroom. 她是写作中心的联合主任,教授作文.

    教育:B.A. (2008) Birmingham-南部 College; M.A. (2011) University of Alabama; Ph.D. (2019)爱荷华大学.